What is CNC Machining
Our precision CNC machining services make complex finished parts and components as well as tools for plastic injection molding or pressure die casting. In addition, CNC manufacturing is used for secondary drilling, tapping, and milling operations on machined parts or parts made from other processes. CNC machine tools come in many specialized types to perform all kinds of operations on raw stock. However, CNC mills are the most common and versatile multi-axis machines that we use at Chiheng Hardware every day.
2>. Why choose CNC machining?
CNC machining is fast, accurate, and versatile. No other manufacturing solution produces end-use parts in any volume without the need to invest in hard tooling or expensive set-ups.
3>. What raw materials can I use with CNC machining?
Almost any rigid solid can be machined, including mild and stainless steels, aluminum, brass, copper, magnesium, titanium, and many types of engineering plastics.
4>. What tolerances can I achieve with CNC machining?
Our standard tolerances are 0.005 microns, which is suitable for the majority of commercial and industrial applications. Consult with us if you need closer tolerances for special projects.
K. Easily customized